Want to feature your collection on IMXTrade? Reach out to us on Discord!
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The Team
CEO, Lead Frontend Developer
CTO, Lead Backend Developer & Architect
Our Roadmap
An updated view of our journey so far here at IMXTrade.io, as well as what is still to come in the months and years ahead! If you'd like to know more about the project and follow the dev journey more closely, or get in touch with the team, join our Discord and follow us on Twitter so you never miss our updates!
  • December 2021
    • The idea of IMXTrade.io was conceived in early December. Development began immediately with the goal to launch the beta version by the New Year.
    • Discord server was created.
  • January 2022
    • Beta version released with a few partner collections and the improved transfer tool.
    • Complete development of collection pages with detailed statistics, marketplace buy/sell functionality, and always up-to-date rarity tracking.
  • February 2022
    • Complete development of a user profile feature and wallet connection enhancements (deposit, withdraw, transfer ETH, etc.)
    • Complete development (late Feb.) of discord bots to be used in partner collection servers for rarity, ranking, and sales data.
    • Launch the official V1 of IMXTrade.io
  • Q2-Q3 2022
    • Seek partnerships with large brands and influencers in the IMX NFT space.
    • Solidify plans for and begin implementing our utility token, $IMXT.
    • IMX users will be airdropped $IMXT tokens based on their activity, with additional rewards for users of IMXTrade.io.
Join our Discord and follow us on Twitter to keep up with the journey!
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